TB17 Old cranes, type 3 Home>Triton 1/1250 scale Harbour>Cranes>TB17 Old cranes, type 3 TB17 Old cranes, type 3 £14.00 This pack has 3 old type cranes, painted, type 3. TB17 Old cranes, type 3 quantity Add to basket SKU: TB17 Categories: Cranes, Triton 1/1250 scale Harbour Share000 Description Pack has 3 old type 3 cranes, cast in white metal and painted. Related products £12.24 Add to cart Quickview TB5 Pack of mixed, empty, square end lighters Triton 1/1250 scale Harbour, Vessels This pack has 10 mixed, empty, painted, square-ended lighters. Please note, selection may vary slightly from illustration. £12.24 £12.24 Add to cart Quickview £15.00 Add to cart Quickview TB32 Modern flatroofed warehouse Buildings, Triton 1/1250 scale Harbour Modern flatroofed warehouse type 2 (1940-96 period). £15.00 £15.00 Add to cart Quickview £12.40 Select options Quickview TB6 Pack of 3 large steam tugs Triton 1/1250 scale Harbour, Vessels This pack has 3 painted, ready to use large steam tugs. £12.40 £12.40 Select options Quickview £12.24 Add to cart Quickview TB27 Assorted cars, lorries and buses Accessories, Triton 1/1250 scale Harbour Pack has 20 assorted, painted, cars, lorries and buses. Contents may vary slightly from illustration. £12.24 £12.24 Add to cart Quickview